I didn’t know last October that I was going to have a year full of healing. A year ago I started working with a drug and alcohol recovery service in Birmingham called Changes UK. Being part of this recovery community has been one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. Everyday I was bowled over by the overflowing love, acceptance and humanity from people that had experienced the worst of life during their addictions.
The care team at Changes invited me in to a range of sessions. I joined in with an anger management session on my first day and had yoga on day 2. Towards the end of the year I got involved with the JAT (Just a Thought) Club. This is an amazing approach to good mental health that has transformed my ability to enjoy life.
Next week is recovery week and I will be joining in with services in Loughborough and Leicester that will be promoting what they do. It will be good to have a more local focus on my work. I am honestly surprised that I survived the daily car commutes from Loughborough to Birmingham without a crash. I now have three hours of extra time a day where previously I was stuck in a car.