About Us
The Engine is a social business consultancy with its values and ethos firmly rooted in building and supporting enterprising communities. Our goal is to help businesses to create communities, and communities to create businesses, through our innovative community enterprise approach.

Tobias Gould
Tobias’s natural habitat is a couple of sofas in front of a large whiteboard. He loves the magic that happens from the buzz of brainstorming, helping companies work through business tools, steering them towards breakthrough moments, and reinforcing their motivation to get stuff done.
Tobias is a community champion with a passion for business innovation. He can take you through a wide range of business tools to develop your vision and strategic priorities to strengthen and create new income streams. Recently he has been focussing on community building for ecommerce, helping improve customer relationships through enabling customers to associate with each other around shared goals and interests.
Tobias is a social entrepreneur and business leader, founder of jerrybottle, and co-author of the Government’s flagship ‘Help to Grow’ programme delivered by 50 universities across the UK. He has spent the last 5 years working in business innovation, helping 80+ companies create and evaluate hundreds of business models through high quality facilitation, design thinking, pivoting, evaluating and testing. He is particularly interested in new community business models where the customer moves from being a fan or audience of the brand to higher levels of interaction and involvement.
Tobias has a background in social enterprise and market research consultancy, specialising in brand planning, quantitative and qualitative research, working across marketing, pharmaceutical, transport, education and charity sectors.
June Gomes
June loves to scout out funding and partnership opportunities. Bringing her substantive years of experience of working in the Third/Charity Sector, she has specialised knowledge in: grant/tender bid writing, community engagement, race equality, charity governance and organisation development.
June specialises in delivering fundraising, governance and community engagement services. She utilises her fundraising skills and experience to articulate proposals that generate buy-in and enthusiasm from Funder’s/investors, but that also represents the organisation's core values and principles.
June takes a diligent approach to governance advising organisations on leadership, board effectiveness, accountability, decision making, legal structures and compliance with legislation. June works with a diverse range of communities, and specifically has expertise working with racial minority communities.
She is able to tailor support, harnessing her community engagement skills and knowledge to help charities and social businesses to start-up and grow their organisations.